John William Graham letters, December 1942-March 1943
1943-02-20 Page 1
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Feb 19 20, 1943 Tucson, Ariz. Dear Dad + Mom: Well Im celebrating my first anniversary in the army of the United States. When I look back it hasnt seemed so long since I rode down town with Pap + harry Winger and got on the buss headed for Des Moines. I've had a lot of - this is as far as I got last night so I'll start anew. fun and some experiences not so pleasant but on the whole it hasnt been so bad. I expect the mechanical training I've had iw worth something and I would never have had it otherwise. Last night the old plane kind of acted up, ignition trouble but I guess we have it remedied now. It flew quite a bit even so. Warm again today in fact while Im writing this at about 6:30 P.M. Im uncomfortably warm with my coveralls + wool sweat shirt on. am sitting outside on the porch or steps rather + the sweat is rolling off me. This afternoon we all went thru the gas chamber, every so often we have to do this to check our marks and get a little practical experience at putting them on. We first put them on outside the room and walk in the gas filled area, stay five or ten minutes with them on, then we remove them and walk out. The gas is tear gas + makes your eyes burn. Next we enter without our masks on and put them on while in the gas filled room, this way you have to hold your breath until you have in on + clear
Feb 19 20, 1943 Tucson, Ariz. Dear Dad + Mom: Well Im celebrating my first anniversary in the army of the United States. When I look back it hasnt seemed so long since I rode down town with Pap + harry Winger and got on the buss headed for Des Moines. I've had a lot of - this is as far as I got last night so I'll start anew. fun and some experiences not so pleasant but on the whole it hasnt been so bad. I expect the mechanical training I've had iw worth something and I would never have had it otherwise. Last night the old plane kind of acted up, ignition trouble but I guess we have it remedied now. It flew quite a bit even so. Warm again today in fact while Im writing this at about 6:30 P.M. Im uncomfortably warm with my coveralls + wool sweat shirt on. am sitting outside on the porch or steps rather + the sweat is rolling off me. This afternoon we all went thru the gas chamber, every so often we have to do this to check our marks and get a little practical experience at putting them on. We first put them on outside the room and walk in the gas filled area, stay five or ten minutes with them on, then we remove them and walk out. The gas is tear gas + makes your eyes burn. Next we enter without our masks on and put them on while in the gas filled room, this way you have to hold your breath until you have in on + clear
World War II Diaries and Letters