John William Graham letters, December 1942-March 1943
1943-02-26 Page 3
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for their money I guess it's okay. I guess Im kind of an old fogey but I cant see much percentage in the game. Looks like too seldom win and too often lose. It seems funny but now it is warming up a bit back home it is getting colder down here. The past few day have been real cool and disagreeable wing blowing and raw. Flying conditions havent been so good either. I dont know what they do for moisture in this country since ive been ehre it surely hasnt rained much and I thought winter was their rainy season. Im listening to the General Electric "Hour of Charm" I like that program very much and dont miss it if I can help it. Right now they are playing "This is the Army". That piece has a lot of truth in it. My friend Garner Hays is in the 537 squadron there are about four of us who came all the way from [illegible] field still in the outfit. Have a pinochle game in progress so will close for tonight. Love Johnny
for their money I guess it's okay. I guess Im kind of an old fogey but I cant see much percentage in the game. Looks like too seldom win and too often lose. It seems funny but now it is warming up a bit back home it is getting colder down here. The past few day have been real cool and disagreeable wing blowing and raw. Flying conditions havent been so good either. I dont know what they do for moisture in this country since ive been ehre it surely hasnt rained much and I thought winter was their rainy season. Im listening to the General Electric "Hour of Charm" I like that program very much and dont miss it if I can help it. Right now they are playing "This is the Army". That piece has a lot of truth in it. My friend Garner Hays is in the 537 squadron there are about four of us who came all the way from [illegible] field still in the outfit. Have a pinochle game in progress so will close for tonight. Love Johnny
World War II Diaries and Letters