John William Graham letters, December 1942-March 1943
1943-03-23 Page 2
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Shed the tops and remain cool and get a tan. Think Ill wash a couple of pairs of sox and two shorts and a towel before I go out again. My old ship went on a cross country mission this morning. Flew to one of the other air bases associated in the 2nd Bomb. Wing. Dont know how soon it will be back but I expect along toward evening. I like your new stationary much better than that flimsy stuff. The kind with your name on I mean. Is it some of Mandes too. Where is Bill Johnston located now and is Ole going to drive out. I wonder if he is getting along any better than at first. The basic training should be over before so long and he wont find it so tough. They finished gravelling the area along our ramp and are rolling and blading it over as they might be going to blacktop it. At least that would keep the dust down. Dont find any more to write so its so long for today. Love Johnny
Shed the tops and remain cool and get a tan. Think Ill wash a couple of pairs of sox and two shorts and a towel before I go out again. My old ship went on a cross country mission this morning. Flew to one of the other air bases associated in the 2nd Bomb. Wing. Dont know how soon it will be back but I expect along toward evening. I like your new stationary much better than that flimsy stuff. The kind with your name on I mean. Is it some of Mandes too. Where is Bill Johnston located now and is Ole going to drive out. I wonder if he is getting along any better than at first. The basic training should be over before so long and he wont find it so tough. They finished gravelling the area along our ramp and are rolling and blading it over as they might be going to blacktop it. At least that would keep the dust down. Dont find any more to write so its so long for today. Love Johnny
World War II Diaries and Letters