John William Graham letters, December 1942-March 1943
1943-03-26 Page 2
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coal miner from Pennsylvania. You've always heard about the rough tough coal miners. I don't believe I ever met a milder mannered fellow, he works hard at what ever job presents itself and never complains. Just a swell fellow to know and be a friend of. Had a nice letter from you and a long one from Mrs. Lynch today, enjoyed both. It takes three days to get a letter from home and I expect even longer to get one from me for I suspect they don't always leave this field as frequently as they might. I think tomorrow I will draw one of those B-4 bags like I had when I was home and some flying coveralls, they are real nice material and I could use them to slip into nights after I had cleaned up. I am entitled to them so I think I will get them. A fellow is responsible for all equipment drawn but if those B. 4 bags aren't too high priced I'm going to keep it when I get out and pay the charges. They are certainly handy carrying bags. Crating and packing is going on lickety split and everyone is getting ready to move. We are to get paid before we move which suits me fine as I'm getting pretty low on cash don't mind tho if I can save a little I'm willing to do without a few things. I want to have some money when I get out of this mess. Lights are about to go out, so good night. Love, Johnny
coal miner from Pennsylvania. You've always heard about the rough tough coal miners. I don't believe I ever met a milder mannered fellow, he works hard at what ever job presents itself and never complains. Just a swell fellow to know and be a friend of. Had a nice letter from you and a long one from Mrs. Lynch today, enjoyed both. It takes three days to get a letter from home and I expect even longer to get one from me for I suspect they don't always leave this field as frequently as they might. I think tomorrow I will draw one of those B-4 bags like I had when I was home and some flying coveralls, they are real nice material and I could use them to slip into nights after I had cleaned up. I am entitled to them so I think I will get them. A fellow is responsible for all equipment drawn but if those B. 4 bags aren't too high priced I'm going to keep it when I get out and pay the charges. They are certainly handy carrying bags. Crating and packing is going on lickety split and everyone is getting ready to move. We are to get paid before we move which suits me fine as I'm getting pretty low on cash don't mind tho if I can save a little I'm willing to do without a few things. I want to have some money when I get out of this mess. Lights are about to go out, so good night. Love, Johnny
World War II Diaries and Letters