John William Graham letters, May-June 1943
1943-05-05 Page 1
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SYMBOL UNITED STATES AIR FORCE May 5, 1943 Pocatello, Idaho Dear Dad + Mom: My plane isnt back yet from its' cross country trip. I think or at least strongly suspect that someone of the crew had a friend in Milwaukee so the ship is grounded for some minor thing. Wish I could be lucky enough when my furlough time comes to catch a bus thats near home. Got three letters today one from you one from Uncle Raymond and one from the Palmers written by King Sr. Enjoyed them all. [illegible name] is going to leave for Fort Leavenworth today. Just what he will get into as yet is not decided but i guess we will soon know. He made an excellent record as [illegible] I guess, and I feel sure he will go up the military ladder by leaps and bounds. He is a dandy kid and I hate to see him taken out of school but I guess is has to be. Uncle Raymond said they would like to have you folks come out for Mothers Day. Im so sorry your gas allowance wont let you make the trip What became of the class B allowance you were to get? Ill enjoy making the trip with you however when I get home. Finally got to the Post Office
SYMBOL UNITED STATES AIR FORCE May 5, 1943 Pocatello, Idaho Dear Dad + Mom: My plane isnt back yet from its' cross country trip. I think or at least strongly suspect that someone of the crew had a friend in Milwaukee so the ship is grounded for some minor thing. Wish I could be lucky enough when my furlough time comes to catch a bus thats near home. Got three letters today one from you one from Uncle Raymond and one from the Palmers written by King Sr. Enjoyed them all. [illegible name] is going to leave for Fort Leavenworth today. Just what he will get into as yet is not decided but i guess we will soon know. He made an excellent record as [illegible] I guess, and I feel sure he will go up the military ladder by leaps and bounds. He is a dandy kid and I hate to see him taken out of school but I guess is has to be. Uncle Raymond said they would like to have you folks come out for Mothers Day. Im so sorry your gas allowance wont let you make the trip What became of the class B allowance you were to get? Ill enjoy making the trip with you however when I get home. Finally got to the Post Office
World War II Diaries and Letters