John William Graham letters, May-June 1943
1943-05-12 Page 1
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May 12, 1943 Pocatello, Idaho Dear Dad + Mom:Boy did I get a long letter from you today, six pages both sides. I couldnt rake up that much to write in weeks. I also got a letter from [Milan?] + one from Mabel Schatz (Mrs Lorenz). Hadnt had one for a couple of days so it was quite a jack pot. That was the same show about Gildersleeve that I saw where he ran down the hill. It wasnt so awfully funny but Ive seen worse. I havent seen a western for a long time Ill have to go with Pap if there is when I get home. There is a U.S.O. camp show on here tonight and I think perhaps Ill go they are sometimes quite good but more often mediocre, any entertainment is welcomed however. Got my final typhoid shot today so Im thru for another year unless they dig up some new ones. It didnt hurt when I got it but now it is beginning to ache and be sore. They always make a guy kind of woozy for a while. You sure are the social butterfly Mom. six social events in one day is certainly an event. To bad you couldnt make them all. Annette is really having some nice parties Im glad for her. You will
May 12, 1943 Pocatello, Idaho Dear Dad + Mom:Boy did I get a long letter from you today, six pages both sides. I couldnt rake up that much to write in weeks. I also got a letter from [Milan?] + one from Mabel Schatz (Mrs Lorenz). Hadnt had one for a couple of days so it was quite a jack pot. That was the same show about Gildersleeve that I saw where he ran down the hill. It wasnt so awfully funny but Ive seen worse. I havent seen a western for a long time Ill have to go with Pap if there is when I get home. There is a U.S.O. camp show on here tonight and I think perhaps Ill go they are sometimes quite good but more often mediocre, any entertainment is welcomed however. Got my final typhoid shot today so Im thru for another year unless they dig up some new ones. It didnt hurt when I got it but now it is beginning to ache and be sore. They always make a guy kind of woozy for a while. You sure are the social butterfly Mom. six social events in one day is certainly an event. To bad you couldnt make them all. Annette is really having some nice parties Im glad for her. You will
World War II Diaries and Letters