John William Graham letters, May-June 1943
1943-05-16 Page 1
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May 16, 1943 Pocatello Idaho Dear Dad + Mom: Today certainly hasnt been very spring like started snowing about 4 A.M and snowed until about 4 P.M. the mountains and hills near camp are covered with snow and there are patches of it in sheltered places + roofs etc around camp. It is just about freezing but I believe it is warming up quite a little now. Think it is going to rain before morning but I wont try and predict this weather. Yesterday morning one of the engines on my plane blew a cylinder off which of course necessitates an engine change. We pulled a 50 hr inspection in conjunction with the engine work. got almost done and it started to rain on us and as there was another plane in the hangar we were outside. Finally quit long enough to get done and it was a good inspection. Didnt get to bed until four this morning. Got up for dinner but Im ready for bed again tonight. Planes didnt fly all day of course because of the weather. Went into town Friday night had an excellent club steak at the Y.M.C.A. cafe it was the best place Ive found to eat in town, not very im-
May 16, 1943 Pocatello Idaho Dear Dad + Mom: Today certainly hasnt been very spring like started snowing about 4 A.M and snowed until about 4 P.M. the mountains and hills near camp are covered with snow and there are patches of it in sheltered places + roofs etc around camp. It is just about freezing but I believe it is warming up quite a little now. Think it is going to rain before morning but I wont try and predict this weather. Yesterday morning one of the engines on my plane blew a cylinder off which of course necessitates an engine change. We pulled a 50 hr inspection in conjunction with the engine work. got almost done and it started to rain on us and as there was another plane in the hangar we were outside. Finally quit long enough to get done and it was a good inspection. Didnt get to bed until four this morning. Got up for dinner but Im ready for bed again tonight. Planes didnt fly all day of course because of the weather. Went into town Friday night had an excellent club steak at the Y.M.C.A. cafe it was the best place Ive found to eat in town, not very im-
World War II Diaries and Letters