John William Graham letters, May-June 1943
1943-05-25 Page 1
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May 25, 1943 Pocatello, Idaho Dear Dad + Mom: This has been another real spring day sun shining and warm but just a bit of wind blowing. The seeding they did this spring is beginning to catch so the dust doesn't blow so bad. The hills are real green now, have seen a couple of large bands of sheep maybe 2 or 3 thousand to a band being herded close to camps. Tonight [on of?] the "Camel Caravan" shows is to [?] here if I get my letters written in time. I may go. Usually this shows are very good. Our squadron has the flag this week for most efficient work. Just started putting it out again, it's a lot of work. This Bomb Wing we are in now is really a [?]. The suspecting officers were around the other day and (?) a lot of guys for not having G.I hair cuts, wearing civilian shoes, not wearing the proper uniform etc. Just small petty things like that. Today I signed a "Statement of Changes" for a pair of G.I oxfords. 2 khaki shirts, 3 suits of underwear they aren't very expensive and I needed them. The shoes aren't very pretty just plain toed serviceable shoes but the only kind we are allowed to wear with the exception of our brogans. are only 3.30 and from the [standpoint?] of service.
May 25, 1943 Pocatello, Idaho Dear Dad + Mom: This has been another real spring day sun shining and warm but just a bit of wind blowing. The seeding they did this spring is beginning to catch so the dust doesn't blow so bad. The hills are real green now, have seen a couple of large bands of sheep maybe 2 or 3 thousand to a band being herded close to camps. Tonight [on of?] the "Camel Caravan" shows is to [?] here if I get my letters written in time. I may go. Usually this shows are very good. Our squadron has the flag this week for most efficient work. Just started putting it out again, it's a lot of work. This Bomb Wing we are in now is really a [?]. The suspecting officers were around the other day and (?) a lot of guys for not having G.I hair cuts, wearing civilian shoes, not wearing the proper uniform etc. Just small petty things like that. Today I signed a "Statement of Changes" for a pair of G.I oxfords. 2 khaki shirts, 3 suits of underwear they aren't very expensive and I needed them. The shoes aren't very pretty just plain toed serviceable shoes but the only kind we are allowed to wear with the exception of our brogans. are only 3.30 and from the [standpoint?] of service.
World War II Diaries and Letters