John William Graham letters, May-June 1943
1943-05-27 Page 2
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I am writing this letter in the afternoon while my plane is flying. Tonight I'm going into town and investigate train connections, fare etc. I take it is as good as I've heard it is going east. Your letter Sunday made me feel good. Spring seems to have arrived at last and things looked good around the farm. If the corn is planted it probably wont be too late if we can just get some good growing weather. Everything will really [?] if we can get some sunshine after all this moisture we have had. It was nice of the [Sohos?] boys to pay you a visit from the pictures of Sisters [wife?] in the local paper I can see she is no beauty. Sister has had quite a nice vacation. Glad you took such a nice ride Sunday wish you had more gas so you could go [afternoon?] Dont think I can get down to see Ruby now [?] dont have time. Havent had a 24 hour pass since a month before I left [Tucson?], have taken a few [?] hours. It seems like every time I plan on one something comes up and I cant get it. Must quit and shave + shower. Love Johnny
I am writing this letter in the afternoon while my plane is flying. Tonight I'm going into town and investigate train connections, fare etc. I take it is as good as I've heard it is going east. Your letter Sunday made me feel good. Spring seems to have arrived at last and things looked good around the farm. If the corn is planted it probably wont be too late if we can just get some good growing weather. Everything will really [?] if we can get some sunshine after all this moisture we have had. It was nice of the [Sohos?] boys to pay you a visit from the pictures of Sisters [wife?] in the local paper I can see she is no beauty. Sister has had quite a nice vacation. Glad you took such a nice ride Sunday wish you had more gas so you could go [afternoon?] Dont think I can get down to see Ruby now [?] dont have time. Havent had a 24 hour pass since a month before I left [Tucson?], have taken a few [?] hours. It seems like every time I plan on one something comes up and I cant get it. Must quit and shave + shower. Love Johnny
World War II Diaries and Letters