John William Graham letters, May-June 1943
1943-06-24 Page 1
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Dear Dad and Mom: Another fine day sun shone all day and its been warm. Plane has flown well and with the exception of a 25 hour inspection there hasn't been much work. One of the other fellows has an awful job his gas tanks leak and have to be changed. These planes have self sealing rubber tanks when punctured they seal themselves but are surely a job to remove from the small holes in the wings and replace them. Saw our baseball team play last night, we lost 7-6 but was a good game and I enjoyed it. They have a fine ball park down town here and a convoy of G.I. trucks hauled us down. With a complimentary ticket a friend gave me it really made an inexpensive evening spent .06c for two packages of gum and .04 for recreation tax not bad eh? Just finished showering and the water got kind of cool before I got done but was it refreshing. I'm lounging around in my flying coveralls and the evening is warm.
Dear Dad and Mom: Another fine day sun shone all day and its been warm. Plane has flown well and with the exception of a 25 hour inspection there hasn't been much work. One of the other fellows has an awful job his gas tanks leak and have to be changed. These planes have self sealing rubber tanks when punctured they seal themselves but are surely a job to remove from the small holes in the wings and replace them. Saw our baseball team play last night, we lost 7-6 but was a good game and I enjoyed it. They have a fine ball park down town here and a convoy of G.I. trucks hauled us down. With a complimentary ticket a friend gave me it really made an inexpensive evening spent .06c for two packages of gum and .04 for recreation tax not bad eh? Just finished showering and the water got kind of cool before I got done but was it refreshing. I'm lounging around in my flying coveralls and the evening is warm.
World War II Diaries and Letters