John William Graham letters, May-June 1943
1943-06-25 Page 1
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June 25, 1943 Pocatello, Idaho Dear Dad & Mom: Will try and write a bit before I go to the soft ball game. Our squadron has a good team and I think Ill get a kick out of it. This isnt much to write about so this wont take long. My ship flew along all day so it wasnt much work except to refresh it and a few little add [libs?]. Had a landing light to replace a heater to fix and we had to clean all the windows. Have another big Saturday review tomorrow but I wont have to go. Lucky for me I hate those inspections standing at attention and being looked over by some guy. Three of us will take care of the plane and keep it flying. Had a rotten meal tonight army stew beans and sad lettuce & tomato salad. For desert we had a cinnamon roll which wasnt bad but the rest was lousy. June 26, 1942 Only got this far last night, enjoyed
June 25, 1943 Pocatello, Idaho Dear Dad & Mom: Will try and write a bit before I go to the soft ball game. Our squadron has a good team and I think Ill get a kick out of it. This isnt much to write about so this wont take long. My ship flew along all day so it wasnt much work except to refresh it and a few little add [libs?]. Had a landing light to replace a heater to fix and we had to clean all the windows. Have another big Saturday review tomorrow but I wont have to go. Lucky for me I hate those inspections standing at attention and being looked over by some guy. Three of us will take care of the plane and keep it flying. Had a rotten meal tonight army stew beans and sad lettuce & tomato salad. For desert we had a cinnamon roll which wasnt bad but the rest was lousy. June 26, 1942 Only got this far last night, enjoyed
World War II Diaries and Letters