John William Graham letters, July-August, 1943
1943-07-06 Page 1
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July 6, 1943 Pocatillo, Idaho Dear Dad, Mom, Grandma: Its getting late but I'll try and write a bit before lights are out. We are eating the army K ration today. It is all concentrated food put up in airtight, water tight packages. For dinner [it?] was little hard biscuits, dextrose tablets, 4 oz very good cheese in sealed can, a package of synthetic lemon powder for a drink, three lumps sugar, a stick of gum and four cigarettes. Expect it would taste very good at times but this is just a [illegible] [illegible]. Will only last a short time. Hand written letters to [illegible], Aunt Cara, [Plegg?], Fred [Bruckner?]. [Bab?] and [moms] are to you. No names in any of them but they are answered so I can get some back someday. Hope they havent used up all the hot water in the shower, there has been a lot of them taken tonight. This has been the [hottest?]
July 6, 1943 Pocatillo, Idaho Dear Dad, Mom, Grandma: Its getting late but I'll try and write a bit before lights are out. We are eating the army K ration today. It is all concentrated food put up in airtight, water tight packages. For dinner [it?] was little hard biscuits, dextrose tablets, 4 oz very good cheese in sealed can, a package of synthetic lemon powder for a drink, three lumps sugar, a stick of gum and four cigarettes. Expect it would taste very good at times but this is just a [illegible] [illegible]. Will only last a short time. Hand written letters to [illegible], Aunt Cara, [Plegg?], Fred [Bruckner?]. [Bab?] and [moms] are to you. No names in any of them but they are answered so I can get some back someday. Hope they havent used up all the hot water in the shower, there has been a lot of them taken tonight. This has been the [hottest?]
World War II Diaries and Letters