John William Graham letters, July-August, 1943
1943-07-09 Page 2
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I took out $7000 more insurance today making me $10,000 the maximum you are allowed of G.I. insurance. The policy will be sent home, I was wondering if my other policy was there. Dont know just how good it is but it isnt expensive only 69¢ per thousand per month. The government wants every G.I. to have the maximum. Glad you have my drivers license for me and hope I get a chance to use it soon. So Little [Harmacurs?] is getting married doesnt seem old enough in years nor stature but guess he is. Expect if you get a chance you might find out what you can about light fixtures in case I dont get home when I expect to. I wonder if [we?] can buy mine thru the P.E.A. Ask Harry Grimes about that will you Dad isnt Junior Grimes the P.E.A. line inspector or something of the like. Dont want to miss getting it after waiting this long. Seems like you get rather a pitiful little [hail?] damage check. If it did much damage. Say your batting average is pretty good at selling tickets. Hope Grandma wins it. Dont know where my mail gets balled up so, whenever I can I write every day but do miss when I have inspections or extra work. Well Im going to take a hot shower and go to bed, try & catch what I lost last night. Love Johnny
I took out $7000 more insurance today making me $10,000 the maximum you are allowed of G.I. insurance. The policy will be sent home, I was wondering if my other policy was there. Dont know just how good it is but it isnt expensive only 69¢ per thousand per month. The government wants every G.I. to have the maximum. Glad you have my drivers license for me and hope I get a chance to use it soon. So Little [Harmacurs?] is getting married doesnt seem old enough in years nor stature but guess he is. Expect if you get a chance you might find out what you can about light fixtures in case I dont get home when I expect to. I wonder if [we?] can buy mine thru the P.E.A. Ask Harry Grimes about that will you Dad isnt Junior Grimes the P.E.A. line inspector or something of the like. Dont want to miss getting it after waiting this long. Seems like you get rather a pitiful little [hail?] damage check. If it did much damage. Say your batting average is pretty good at selling tickets. Hope Grandma wins it. Dont know where my mail gets balled up so, whenever I can I write every day but do miss when I have inspections or extra work. Well Im going to take a hot shower and go to bed, try & catch what I lost last night. Love Johnny
World War II Diaries and Letters