John William Graham letters, July-August, 1943
1943-07-10 Page 1
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July 10, 1943 Pocatello Idaho Dear Dad, Mom & Grandma: Its been another good day warm and sunshining. Havent been very busy today, ship has flown well and given little trouble. Pitched horseshoes for a couple of hours this afternoon to pass the time. Im very poor at it but had a lot of fun. This is like all desert country warm daytimes but at night it gets really cold, still slept under two woolen blankets and its [none?] too warm but I am comfortable. We dont have to wear out ties now on the post between the hours of [7?] AM & 6 P.M with our khaki uniforms. this suits me fine. When we go off the post or to the movie [illegible] we have to wear them. Out C.O is leaving the squadron soon, will take charge of a group of [combat?] crews. Hate to see him go but it is an [illegible] for him as he will be promoted to Lt. Colonel He comes from Watertown S. Dak. Our engineering officer whom I liked very much has another
July 10, 1943 Pocatello Idaho Dear Dad, Mom & Grandma: Its been another good day warm and sunshining. Havent been very busy today, ship has flown well and given little trouble. Pitched horseshoes for a couple of hours this afternoon to pass the time. Im very poor at it but had a lot of fun. This is like all desert country warm daytimes but at night it gets really cold, still slept under two woolen blankets and its [none?] too warm but I am comfortable. We dont have to wear out ties now on the post between the hours of [7?] AM & 6 P.M with our khaki uniforms. this suits me fine. When we go off the post or to the movie [illegible] we have to wear them. Out C.O is leaving the squadron soon, will take charge of a group of [combat?] crews. Hate to see him go but it is an [illegible] for him as he will be promoted to Lt. Colonel He comes from Watertown S. Dak. Our engineering officer whom I liked very much has another
World War II Diaries and Letters