John William Graham letters, July-August, 1943
1943-08-17 Page 1
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Aug. 17, 1943 Pocatello Idaho Dear Dad, Mom & Grandma: You didnt get a letter yesterday as I felt kind of [illegible] last night. Had a headache and an upset stomache, took a couple of Alka. Seltzers and went early to bed and this morning felt okay again. Dont know what was the matter but something I [ate?] no doubt. Im glad you got my telegram so soon I didnt send it until about 1:30. Service was pretty good for a change. Say Im glad [Slayds?] car hung together until we got down to Cedar Rapids anyhow but sorry it went to [illegible] before he got back home dont worry I'll tell him about leaving home in a Chevrolet and having to get a Ford to get home. You were both right about thinking I had letters from you waiting when I got here. As quick as you get a letter from Bob with an address on it please send it to me. Id like to write him perhaps where he is a letter would seem good. Wonder what Burkhart will do about rebuilding his barn. The lumber shortage is so acute Im glad Im as well fixed as I am for buildings. Hope Plegg can get his new grainary and corn [crib?] as he surely needs it. Would certainly [illegible] the looks of his place to have those old crappy buildings out of there and a new one in their place.
Aug. 17, 1943 Pocatello Idaho Dear Dad, Mom & Grandma: You didnt get a letter yesterday as I felt kind of [illegible] last night. Had a headache and an upset stomache, took a couple of Alka. Seltzers and went early to bed and this morning felt okay again. Dont know what was the matter but something I [ate?] no doubt. Im glad you got my telegram so soon I didnt send it until about 1:30. Service was pretty good for a change. Say Im glad [Slayds?] car hung together until we got down to Cedar Rapids anyhow but sorry it went to [illegible] before he got back home dont worry I'll tell him about leaving home in a Chevrolet and having to get a Ford to get home. You were both right about thinking I had letters from you waiting when I got here. As quick as you get a letter from Bob with an address on it please send it to me. Id like to write him perhaps where he is a letter would seem good. Wonder what Burkhart will do about rebuilding his barn. The lumber shortage is so acute Im glad Im as well fixed as I am for buildings. Hope Plegg can get his new grainary and corn [crib?] as he surely needs it. Would certainly [illegible] the looks of his place to have those old crappy buildings out of there and a new one in their place.
World War II Diaries and Letters