John William Graham letters, July-August, 1943
1943-08-23 Page 1
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Aug, 23, 1943 Pocatello, Idaho Dear Dad, Mom + Grandma: Another uneventful day just kind of puttered around doing odd jobs on the ship that I hadnt had time to do before. Have had a lot of trouble with one generator and am afraid it is a wire running thru the wing that will have to be replaced. Was warmer than yesterday but still rather cool. one of the fellows who lives here says we can expect cool weather anytime now. Sure am glad Pap is feeling okay again. don't work too hard at the yard, loading up stock boards + shingles Dad or have you gotten a car since I was home. Wish I might be home for Thursday at the fair, while I dont care as much for it perhaps as when I used to (help?) Austin with the cattle, I would enjoy a day of it to get to see all the folks. Suppose you will have open house at the office and Clarence + Idie + the Witherbees etc will be in.
Aug, 23, 1943 Pocatello, Idaho Dear Dad, Mom + Grandma: Another uneventful day just kind of puttered around doing odd jobs on the ship that I hadnt had time to do before. Have had a lot of trouble with one generator and am afraid it is a wire running thru the wing that will have to be replaced. Was warmer than yesterday but still rather cool. one of the fellows who lives here says we can expect cool weather anytime now. Sure am glad Pap is feeling okay again. don't work too hard at the yard, loading up stock boards + shingles Dad or have you gotten a car since I was home. Wish I might be home for Thursday at the fair, while I dont care as much for it perhaps as when I used to (help?) Austin with the cattle, I would enjoy a day of it to get to see all the folks. Suppose you will have open house at the office and Clarence + Idie + the Witherbees etc will be in.
World War II Diaries and Letters