John William Graham letters, July-August, 1943
1943-08-25 Page 1
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Aug. 25, 1943 Pocatello, Idaho Dear Dad, Mom & Grandma: Have been helping change landing gear on a plane today, it isnt mine but I helped a little to learn some. thing about it as I have the job to do soon. It is quite a lot of work but can be done I guess. Weather is still cool but rather nice, it is tough to get up in the morning as it's so chizzly. Air is fresh and good tho, but it is going to frost before long. Our accordion player is really going hot tonight, he has moved into our barracks recently. I enjoy his music very much he can play anything Ive never heard one of the fellows request a piece that he couldnt play. Had to lay out our gas masks today for inspection. Mine is awfully dirty from wearing it to work in but they just want to check on the type we have. "This is the Army" is playing down town this week lots of the fellows say it is
Aug. 25, 1943 Pocatello, Idaho Dear Dad, Mom & Grandma: Have been helping change landing gear on a plane today, it isnt mine but I helped a little to learn some. thing about it as I have the job to do soon. It is quite a lot of work but can be done I guess. Weather is still cool but rather nice, it is tough to get up in the morning as it's so chizzly. Air is fresh and good tho, but it is going to frost before long. Our accordion player is really going hot tonight, he has moved into our barracks recently. I enjoy his music very much he can play anything Ive never heard one of the fellows request a piece that he couldnt play. Had to lay out our gas masks today for inspection. Mine is awfully dirty from wearing it to work in but they just want to check on the type we have. "This is the Army" is playing down town this week lots of the fellows say it is
World War II Diaries and Letters