John William Graham letters, July-August, 1943
1943-08-26 Page 1
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Aug. 26, 1943 Pocatello, Idaho Dear Dad, Mom & Grandma: Yesterday I thought my Ship was going to the depot for overhaul pulled a checkers report loaded on all auxillary equipment and this morning they decided not to send it for a while so it all had to come out and it's back in flying status again. Am losing another crew member the end of the month. He is getting a discharge to go home and help on the farm. Hate to lose him as he is a good worker and dependable qualities which are hard to find it seems. Farm fellows seem to be the best help because they are used to working and have had the most practical experience. He goes to Oklahoma the north central part. Had a card from Sam [Werner?] today he is in Camp Callan, San Diego I got one of his cards at church that Sunday. He seems to like it there right on the ocean. says the food is fine too so the main worry of a G.I. is over. Had just taken his rifle drill and qualified as a sharp shooter which is pretty good but was disapointed not to have made expert.
Aug. 26, 1943 Pocatello, Idaho Dear Dad, Mom & Grandma: Yesterday I thought my Ship was going to the depot for overhaul pulled a checkers report loaded on all auxillary equipment and this morning they decided not to send it for a while so it all had to come out and it's back in flying status again. Am losing another crew member the end of the month. He is getting a discharge to go home and help on the farm. Hate to lose him as he is a good worker and dependable qualities which are hard to find it seems. Farm fellows seem to be the best help because they are used to working and have had the most practical experience. He goes to Oklahoma the north central part. Had a card from Sam [Werner?] today he is in Camp Callan, San Diego I got one of his cards at church that Sunday. He seems to like it there right on the ocean. says the food is fine too so the main worry of a G.I. is over. Had just taken his rifle drill and qualified as a sharp shooter which is pretty good but was disapointed not to have made expert.
World War II Diaries and Letters