John William Graham letters, July-August, 1943
1943-08-28 Page 1
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Aug. 28, 1943 Pocatello, Idaho Dear Dad, Mom & Grandma: Today it is warm and pleasant here, quite summery, in fact it is almost too hot. Every morning now tho it is almost frost. Heard we were going to stay here until Nov. and if we do it is going to be mighty cool. My ship went to the depot this morning so temporarally Im out of a ship. Would just as soon not have one for a while but expect one again very soon. Have loafed this afternoon, slept awhile and now Im trying to write and not having very good luck thinking of anything. Last night some lady down town gave one of the ball players a chocolate cake. Man it was good, three layers, the middle filling was that fudge kind with a lot of nuts in it. He had knocked a home run in the last inning with the score tied up that won the game. Just returned from the movies saw a good show one I'd seen before but liked very much "Pride of the Yankees", also had a Travel Talk "[Morman?] Trails" showing Zian Nat'l park & Bryce Canyon and Salt Lake City and surrounding country
Aug. 28, 1943 Pocatello, Idaho Dear Dad, Mom & Grandma: Today it is warm and pleasant here, quite summery, in fact it is almost too hot. Every morning now tho it is almost frost. Heard we were going to stay here until Nov. and if we do it is going to be mighty cool. My ship went to the depot this morning so temporarally Im out of a ship. Would just as soon not have one for a while but expect one again very soon. Have loafed this afternoon, slept awhile and now Im trying to write and not having very good luck thinking of anything. Last night some lady down town gave one of the ball players a chocolate cake. Man it was good, three layers, the middle filling was that fudge kind with a lot of nuts in it. He had knocked a home run in the last inning with the score tied up that won the game. Just returned from the movies saw a good show one I'd seen before but liked very much "Pride of the Yankees", also had a Travel Talk "[Morman?] Trails" showing Zian Nat'l park & Bryce Canyon and Salt Lake City and surrounding country
World War II Diaries and Letters