John William Graham letters, September-October, 1943
1943-09-18 Page 1
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Sept. 18, 1943 Pocatello, Idaho Dear Dad, Mom & Grandma: Another windy dusty day was going to hang some washing but figured it would be mud before it dried. Think I shall sign a "statement of changes" and get some more G.I. underwear. Only costs 32¢ per pair of shorts and wears a long time. Must send my O.D. clothes to the cleaners before it gets too late. They are certainly dusty from hanging around so long. Have meant to do this before but always just missed getting them in on time. We have to keep fires going in the barracks now. This is an order from headquarters. We dont really need it to sleep in, but if a fellow was to sit around long it would no doubt feel good. My ship is back in commision
Sept. 18, 1943 Pocatello, Idaho Dear Dad, Mom & Grandma: Another windy dusty day was going to hang some washing but figured it would be mud before it dried. Think I shall sign a "statement of changes" and get some more G.I. underwear. Only costs 32¢ per pair of shorts and wears a long time. Must send my O.D. clothes to the cleaners before it gets too late. They are certainly dusty from hanging around so long. Have meant to do this before but always just missed getting them in on time. We have to keep fires going in the barracks now. This is an order from headquarters. We dont really need it to sleep in, but if a fellow was to sit around long it would no doubt feel good. My ship is back in commision
World War II Diaries and Letters