John William Graham letters, September-October, 1943
1943-09-25 Page 2
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and Idaho falls where there are some. Had a letter from Mr. Dibble yesterday is still planning to come thru here soon and promised he would call me when he did. Mrs. D. hasn't been so well since she returned from California but just might come along with him. Said he had just received a picture of his sons twins and that they are healthy looking "[Minn.?] Swedes." So this younger generation of [illegible] is just like his pappy and some of his play mates. Wonder what Mrs. Brink would think of these problem children. I noticed by the last paper Johnny [Zacklers?] father was made Lieutenant Colonel, that's quite a rank. I wouldn't trade a good civilian rating for it however but it is good pay. That's nice you had a pleasant day at Mrs. [Hoovers?] and a ride to Clermont. The fellows want me to go to the show on the base so will close for tonight. Love Johnny
and Idaho falls where there are some. Had a letter from Mr. Dibble yesterday is still planning to come thru here soon and promised he would call me when he did. Mrs. D. hasn't been so well since she returned from California but just might come along with him. Said he had just received a picture of his sons twins and that they are healthy looking "[Minn.?] Swedes." So this younger generation of [illegible] is just like his pappy and some of his play mates. Wonder what Mrs. Brink would think of these problem children. I noticed by the last paper Johnny [Zacklers?] father was made Lieutenant Colonel, that's quite a rank. I wouldn't trade a good civilian rating for it however but it is good pay. That's nice you had a pleasant day at Mrs. [Hoovers?] and a ride to Clermont. The fellows want me to go to the show on the base so will close for tonight. Love Johnny
World War II Diaries and Letters