John William Graham letters, September-October, 1943
1943-10-15 Page 2
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paper awhile back that he had sold his house to someone? So the Hoovers are moving again they havent ever moved very far out of the neighbor hood have they? Expect that little house will be just right for them as their family is about married off and have no daughters to bring their husbands home. Drift is no good in this water out here, it just turns blue and doesnt suds worth a whoop. Pinso is the [illegible], thats what I use when I can get it. Im quite an expert launderer now. I have plenty of sox for my football shoes, just signed a statement of charges for a half dozen pairs of wool sox so I now have twelve pairs of wool ones Hope Unce Raymonds can make the trip to Minneapolis to see Milan and swing around by W.U. They surely need a little recreation and when I see the gas that is wasted I feel you folks back home are entitled to some. Had our pictures taken in our football outfits this afternoon to go in the Pocatello paper, if they came out good Ill try and send you a clipping. Love Johnny
paper awhile back that he had sold his house to someone? So the Hoovers are moving again they havent ever moved very far out of the neighbor hood have they? Expect that little house will be just right for them as their family is about married off and have no daughters to bring their husbands home. Drift is no good in this water out here, it just turns blue and doesnt suds worth a whoop. Pinso is the [illegible], thats what I use when I can get it. Im quite an expert launderer now. I have plenty of sox for my football shoes, just signed a statement of charges for a half dozen pairs of wool sox so I now have twelve pairs of wool ones Hope Unce Raymonds can make the trip to Minneapolis to see Milan and swing around by W.U. They surely need a little recreation and when I see the gas that is wasted I feel you folks back home are entitled to some. Had our pictures taken in our football outfits this afternoon to go in the Pocatello paper, if they came out good Ill try and send you a clipping. Love Johnny
World War II Diaries and Letters