Francis McDermott correspondence, January-March 1918
1918-03-07 Page 2
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.2. and I dont think all the things were there that she sent. Ill bet she is a fine girl. Dont you? I wrote her and told her I would send her a souviner from Verdun, but I couldnt get any thing there that would be nice for her. I will get something the first chance I get and send her. Mother Dear I never thought you dident write I know you write every day and I write you, I know it isent
.2. and I dont think all the things were there that she sent. Ill bet she is a fine girl. Dont you? I wrote her and told her I would send her a souviner from Verdun, but I couldnt get any thing there that would be nice for her. I will get something the first chance I get and send her. Mother Dear I never thought you dident write I know you write every day and I write you, I know it isent
World War I Diaries and Letters