John and Henry Locke cookery archive, item 2, 1830s?
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A Thread Dip the top of your fore finger into the [syrup?] & apply it to your thumb. on parting them you will find a Thread wich will break at a distance & remain as a drop on the finger Pearle When you seperate your thumb & finger & the thread reaches without breaking from one to the other it is the Small pearle if the finger & thumb be stretch to their utmost extent & the thread remains unbroken it is the large
A Thread Dip the top of your fore finger into the [syrup?] & apply it to your thumb. on parting them you will find a Thread wich will break at a distance & remain as a drop on the finger Pearle When you seperate your thumb & finger & the thread reaches without breaking from one to the other it is the Small pearle if the finger & thumb be stretch to their utmost extent & the thread remains unbroken it is the large
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks