Francis McDermott letters, April-May 1918
1918-04-11 Page 2
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.2. did or not. I hope so. A train is waiting here untill the Eng. goes back and get a Frenchman they lost off. He was sitting in the door, when they hit a sharp curve, it was then the Frog parted. We dont hear much about what is going on, on the English front, thats not very close to us. John and I were going to Monte Carlo & Nice but there is no passes issued now, or wont be for some time. But we are going as soon as we can. Iam goin to try
.2. did or not. I hope so. A train is waiting here untill the Eng. goes back and get a Frenchman they lost off. He was sitting in the door, when they hit a sharp curve, it was then the Frog parted. We dont hear much about what is going on, on the English front, thats not very close to us. John and I were going to Monte Carlo & Nice but there is no passes issued now, or wont be for some time. But we are going as soon as we can. Iam goin to try
World War I Diaries and Letters