Francis McDermott letters, April-May 1918
1918-04-15 Page 5
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.5. John ate dinner here and to day he is sick. HaHa. Thats right he has a sore throat It was warm one night, and he sleep with his shirt off and keep his chest uncovered. You said Pokey told you it was alright to publish our letters, Its an order from Gen. Pershing for us to tell our folks and friends not to publish them. There is a little
.5. John ate dinner here and to day he is sick. HaHa. Thats right he has a sore throat It was warm one night, and he sleep with his shirt off and keep his chest uncovered. You said Pokey told you it was alright to publish our letters, Its an order from Gen. Pershing for us to tell our folks and friends not to publish them. There is a little
World War I Diaries and Letters