Francis McDermott letters, April-May 1918
1918-04-21 Page 1
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Some where in France April 21, 1918 Dear Mother Yesterday was Sunday and it was the best day I have spent in France. I realey enjoyed it. There was a Y.M.C.A. man who came here from the Southern part of France and he gave a very interesting talk He knew all about the big battle that is taking place on the English front. The Germans and the Allies are exchanging prisoners now. He said he was talking to some who just came from there, and had been there from the early part of the war. When they were
Some where in France April 21, 1918 Dear Mother Yesterday was Sunday and it was the best day I have spent in France. I realey enjoyed it. There was a Y.M.C.A. man who came here from the Southern part of France and he gave a very interesting talk He knew all about the big battle that is taking place on the English front. The Germans and the Allies are exchanging prisoners now. He said he was talking to some who just came from there, and had been there from the early part of the war. When they were
World War I Diaries and Letters