Francis McDermott letters, June-December 1918
1918-06-16 Page 1
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June 16 1918 Dear Mother Just one year ago this evening I left Chicago to come home, and a year ago to morrow morning I landed in [Mo.V.?] at 6 a.m. Remember I came home and Mary Ann was there. John was at the depot to meet me. I didnt think then that a year from that day the bigest battles in the world would be going on now. Did you? If I had that furlough now I would stay for the dance the next day. I suppose you have saw by the papers what good work the Americans are doing over here, I guess the Kaiser will have hard luck when he tryes to tell those troops who came aginst the yanks, that there Subswill get the most of them, and the few who does get to France cant fight. [Baker?] says theres seven hundred thousand
June 16 1918 Dear Mother Just one year ago this evening I left Chicago to come home, and a year ago to morrow morning I landed in [Mo.V.?] at 6 a.m. Remember I came home and Mary Ann was there. John was at the depot to meet me. I didnt think then that a year from that day the bigest battles in the world would be going on now. Did you? If I had that furlough now I would stay for the dance the next day. I suppose you have saw by the papers what good work the Americans are doing over here, I guess the Kaiser will have hard luck when he tryes to tell those troops who came aginst the yanks, that there Subswill get the most of them, and the few who does get to France cant fight. [Baker?] says theres seven hundred thousand
World War I Diaries and Letters