John William Graham letters, January 1944
1944-01-14 Page 1
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HOTEL BANNOCK FIREPROOF - MODERN - COMPLETE OFFERING SAFETY - COMFORT - SERVICE HOTEL BANNOCK CO. S.E. BRADY, MGR. POCATELLO, IDAHO January 14, 1944 Dear Dad & Mom: Another fellow and I treated ourselves last night. Came to town had a steak, saw a show and got a room in a hotel for the night. We just got up and it is almost one oclock, so you see we really snoozed. These hotel pens aren't all they might be, this one scratches and threatens to blot all the time. Expect that is. Black [illegible] chief on this stationary. Havent seen any Indians around here however dressed in any such finery. Continues cold about 10 or 15 below every morning and not warming
HOTEL BANNOCK FIREPROOF - MODERN - COMPLETE OFFERING SAFETY - COMFORT - SERVICE HOTEL BANNOCK CO. S.E. BRADY, MGR. POCATELLO, IDAHO January 14, 1944 Dear Dad & Mom: Another fellow and I treated ourselves last night. Came to town had a steak, saw a show and got a room in a hotel for the night. We just got up and it is almost one oclock, so you see we really snoozed. These hotel pens aren't all they might be, this one scratches and threatens to blot all the time. Expect that is. Black [illegible] chief on this stationary. Havent seen any Indians around here however dressed in any such finery. Continues cold about 10 or 15 below every morning and not warming
World War II Diaries and Letters