John William Graham letters, January 1944
1944-01-14 Page 2
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HOTEL BANNOCK FIREPROOF - MODERN - COMPLETE OFFERING SAFETY - COMFORT - SERVICE HOTEL BANNOCK CO. S.E. BRADY, MGR. POCATELLO, IDAHO up too much during the day. Seems to be warmer out this morning but I havent been outside, even looks gray and cloudy as tho it might snow. Have several little errands want to do today, have a band made for my watch, cash Jims money order etc. Got some terpenhydrate & cadium last night as I had a little cold and it seemed to break it up a lot. Feel pretty good this morning (afternoon) and cough very little. Wrote a long letter to Bob the other night, didnt send it V mail so I hope it doesnt take too long to reach him. Did send it air mail tho.
HOTEL BANNOCK FIREPROOF - MODERN - COMPLETE OFFERING SAFETY - COMFORT - SERVICE HOTEL BANNOCK CO. S.E. BRADY, MGR. POCATELLO, IDAHO up too much during the day. Seems to be warmer out this morning but I havent been outside, even looks gray and cloudy as tho it might snow. Have several little errands want to do today, have a band made for my watch, cash Jims money order etc. Got some terpenhydrate & cadium last night as I had a little cold and it seemed to break it up a lot. Feel pretty good this morning (afternoon) and cough very little. Wrote a long letter to Bob the other night, didnt send it V mail so I hope it doesnt take too long to reach him. Did send it air mail tho.
World War II Diaries and Letters