John William Graham letters, January 1944
1944-01-28 Page 1
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January 28, 1944 Pocatello, Ida. Dear Dad & Mom: Got two letters from you today and with Irma's in it. I'm sure glad you are having such fine weather back home, no use going to Florida when Iowa can provide such a fine climate is there. Irma certainly writes a fine letter when you get it deciphered as you said. Golly I thought I was dumb at figures but some of these guys couldn't even figure cubic feet. We have to figure the cubic feet of boxes. I can do it in half the time it takes some of them using some of Dad's short cuts which I didn't realize I had picked up. Have to go back to work again tonight, hope this finishes it up for awhile but I guess there are a few more days ahead of me. I wish I could do this all the time instead of work on the line but if I had of I'd never have made
January 28, 1944 Pocatello, Ida. Dear Dad & Mom: Got two letters from you today and with Irma's in it. I'm sure glad you are having such fine weather back home, no use going to Florida when Iowa can provide such a fine climate is there. Irma certainly writes a fine letter when you get it deciphered as you said. Golly I thought I was dumb at figures but some of these guys couldn't even figure cubic feet. We have to figure the cubic feet of boxes. I can do it in half the time it takes some of them using some of Dad's short cuts which I didn't realize I had picked up. Have to go back to work again tonight, hope this finishes it up for awhile but I guess there are a few more days ahead of me. I wish I could do this all the time instead of work on the line but if I had of I'd never have made
World War II Diaries and Letters