John William Graham letters, January 1944
1944-01-30 Page 1
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January 30, 1944 Pocatello, Idaho Dear Dad & Mom: Got a letter from Bob today and one from you with the picture in it. Thanks a lot. While that darn Ernie could have done a better job I'm very glad to have it. Bob is getting along all right I guess he's moved to a little better place now and his [illegible] and surroundings are more pleasant. I'm not working tonight and it seems good for a change. It's late I went down to the hospital to see a couple of friends, one was our former engineering officer who had to have an operation and was replaced. Surely hated to lose him as he's a fine fellow. The other guy was one of our crew chiefs who has the flu, he's getting along fine. It was almost 20 below this morning and that's plenty cool even in Idaho. It has warmed up tonight tho and looks as tho it might snow, it has snowed a little [illegible]. Tomorrow is pay day and I'm glad
January 30, 1944 Pocatello, Idaho Dear Dad & Mom: Got a letter from Bob today and one from you with the picture in it. Thanks a lot. While that darn Ernie could have done a better job I'm very glad to have it. Bob is getting along all right I guess he's moved to a little better place now and his [illegible] and surroundings are more pleasant. I'm not working tonight and it seems good for a change. It's late I went down to the hospital to see a couple of friends, one was our former engineering officer who had to have an operation and was replaced. Surely hated to lose him as he's a fine fellow. The other guy was one of our crew chiefs who has the flu, he's getting along fine. It was almost 20 below this morning and that's plenty cool even in Idaho. It has warmed up tonight tho and looks as tho it might snow, it has snowed a little [illegible]. Tomorrow is pay day and I'm glad
World War II Diaries and Letters