John William Graham letters, November-December 1943
1943-11-02 Page 1
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Nov. 2, 1943 [Pocatelloo, Idaho Dear Dad & Mom: This has been the best day we've had for a long time, warm in the sun but cold otherwise the free air thermometer in the ship was -5* C this morning so it was about 20 every thing was frozen hard as a rock, water puddles were hard enough to walk on but as the sun came up it warmed + was pleasant. This is real [illegible] weather just the right tang in the air, that is if it ever quits raining long enough. The mountains are really white now and looks quite deep don't think they'll be seen until next summer late, Just sent down to the P.X for some cheese + cracker, missed supper tonight they are closing the mess hall at 6 P.M. and so we miss it if we go out to football practice. Can't ear before you go and on your feel miserable. Fought my way thru the line at the Post Office this afternoon and got a money order which I will enclose. Got my money back which I had loaned out so will have enough money to spend this month. Several of the fellows have gone pheasant hunting around here they have to go about sixty miles to get where there are any birds. Sure wish I was back home for the season. Guess it's mighty hard to get shells tho so perhaps there wont be so many hunters. It was nice of Charly [Haiffel?] to stop by for a visit. Would like to go East myself for a change
Nov. 2, 1943 [Pocatelloo, Idaho Dear Dad & Mom: This has been the best day we've had for a long time, warm in the sun but cold otherwise the free air thermometer in the ship was -5* C this morning so it was about 20 every thing was frozen hard as a rock, water puddles were hard enough to walk on but as the sun came up it warmed + was pleasant. This is real [illegible] weather just the right tang in the air, that is if it ever quits raining long enough. The mountains are really white now and looks quite deep don't think they'll be seen until next summer late, Just sent down to the P.X for some cheese + cracker, missed supper tonight they are closing the mess hall at 6 P.M. and so we miss it if we go out to football practice. Can't ear before you go and on your feel miserable. Fought my way thru the line at the Post Office this afternoon and got a money order which I will enclose. Got my money back which I had loaned out so will have enough money to spend this month. Several of the fellows have gone pheasant hunting around here they have to go about sixty miles to get where there are any birds. Sure wish I was back home for the season. Guess it's mighty hard to get shells tho so perhaps there wont be so many hunters. It was nice of Charly [Haiffel?] to stop by for a visit. Would like to go East myself for a change
World War II Diaries and Letters