John William Graham letters, November-December 1943
1943-12-12 Page 2
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letters and read a lot already, expect Ill be driven to jig saw puzzles next altho I saw a book of crosswords I think I'll resort to first. Our nurses are very pleasant and go out of their way to be nice to us never figures I'd rate such service and care in the army. Have a radio going most all day and night had on the same program Pap did last night "Grand Ol [Opry?]" it only gets one station but it's a national hook up so we get the news & everything Am still getting my medicine with clock like regularity and this morning they took blood tests and blood count, guess if you pass three here on a visit you get all that. They sure like to have lots I'd records and junk to keep. Have a pitcher of ice water beside my bed all the time and I've sure drunk gallons since I've been in here, think I shall hate to leave. Am feeling okay but still cough some. No news of course from in here. Love Johnny
letters and read a lot already, expect Ill be driven to jig saw puzzles next altho I saw a book of crosswords I think I'll resort to first. Our nurses are very pleasant and go out of their way to be nice to us never figures I'd rate such service and care in the army. Have a radio going most all day and night had on the same program Pap did last night "Grand Ol [Opry?]" it only gets one station but it's a national hook up so we get the news & everything Am still getting my medicine with clock like regularity and this morning they took blood tests and blood count, guess if you pass three here on a visit you get all that. They sure like to have lots I'd records and junk to keep. Have a pitcher of ice water beside my bed all the time and I've sure drunk gallons since I've been in here, think I shall hate to leave. Am feeling okay but still cough some. No news of course from in here. Love Johnny
World War II Diaries and Letters