David R. Elder correspondence, August-September 1944
1944-08-17 Page 1
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South West Pacific August 17, 1944 Dave Elder Editor "Scuttlebutt" C/o Evening Astonisher Washington, Iowa Dear Dave: Maybe you would to know that I am still alive and still receiving your editions of "Scuttlebutt" regularly and will say that they are very much appreciated. It must take quite a bit of time and effort on your part to get an edition out every week as well as the others on your staff, so I want to thank all of you who are responsible. It must be gratifying to you to know that your time is not spent in vain, for I think every one who receives your paper gets a big kick out of it. I know I have shown it to several of the other fellows in my outfit and they all express themselves as wishing that some one in their home town would do the same thing, for everyone is interested in knowing where some of the other fellows are and what they are doing. So keep up the good work. Noticed in your last edition the location of Kenny White and Don Boyer. I wish I had known sooner for I was there a year ago for about ten days and I would have looked them up. Note you are getting to be quite a chicken farmer and that your flocked is producing. Could stand for a few "Biddies" out here for the egg situation is "nil". Say Dave you mentioned that your Reproduction Chief, Mrs. Chas. Morris is laid up with arthritis. If my memory is any good at all, I believe she is none other than my very good friend Edith Spera or used to be I mean. If so, say hello to her for me. I was sorry to hear that she was ill and I'm wishing her a speedy recovery. Can't have a good girl like her down when she is doing vital war work on the "Scuttlebutt", can we? You might also give my regards to Shorty Mace. Hi Shorty. Through your column you might convey to Francis Haney that I have been watching with interest the progress of his outfit and I do wish him lots of luck. That goes for the rest of the boys too, where ever they are. Carry on, Dave. Sincerely, Rusty Knott [R.C.Knott SK(D)2C]
South West Pacific August 17, 1944 Dave Elder Editor "Scuttlebutt" C/o Evening Astonisher Washington, Iowa Dear Dave: Maybe you would to know that I am still alive and still receiving your editions of "Scuttlebutt" regularly and will say that they are very much appreciated. It must take quite a bit of time and effort on your part to get an edition out every week as well as the others on your staff, so I want to thank all of you who are responsible. It must be gratifying to you to know that your time is not spent in vain, for I think every one who receives your paper gets a big kick out of it. I know I have shown it to several of the other fellows in my outfit and they all express themselves as wishing that some one in their home town would do the same thing, for everyone is interested in knowing where some of the other fellows are and what they are doing. So keep up the good work. Noticed in your last edition the location of Kenny White and Don Boyer. I wish I had known sooner for I was there a year ago for about ten days and I would have looked them up. Note you are getting to be quite a chicken farmer and that your flocked is producing. Could stand for a few "Biddies" out here for the egg situation is "nil". Say Dave you mentioned that your Reproduction Chief, Mrs. Chas. Morris is laid up with arthritis. If my memory is any good at all, I believe she is none other than my very good friend Edith Spera or used to be I mean. If so, say hello to her for me. I was sorry to hear that she was ill and I'm wishing her a speedy recovery. Can't have a good girl like her down when she is doing vital war work on the "Scuttlebutt", can we? You might also give my regards to Shorty Mace. Hi Shorty. Through your column you might convey to Francis Haney that I have been watching with interest the progress of his outfit and I do wish him lots of luck. That goes for the rest of the boys too, where ever they are. Carry on, Dave. Sincerely, Rusty Knott [R.C.Knott SK(D)2C]
World War II Diaries and Letters