David R. Elder correspondence, August-September 1944
1944-08-18 Page 1
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Cpl Milo W. Steele Jr. USMC 3rd Band Section Div Hqs 3rd Marine Div, FMF %Fleet P.O. San Francisco, Calif Aug 18, 1944 Guam Dear Dave, Eugene Dunlap has been sending me a few of the Scuttlebutt's & I get quit a kick out of them. It's nice to hear about some of the guys I use to go to school with & play ball with back home. Doubt if you remember me to well because it's been close to 4 yrs since I was around Washington much. The latest Scuttlebutt I got from Gene was July 14th. I read about Carl Friedrich getting back. Your magazine or paper don't mention a heck of a lot about the Marines but I guess there are around 8 or 10 of us. We are out now!!! Saw Willis Booth, about a mo ago & he was same old Willie. Well I'm on Guam & things are secured. So am getting back to band duties I'm playing a sousaphone & have been in band for about a year. Previous to that I was in a line co. packing a BRC for about 10 mos. Enjoy the band & I hope the Municipal band back home is still going. Might send the Scuttlebutt if you have got extra. Tell any the guys you see hello. Sincerely yours Milo Steele
Cpl Milo W. Steele Jr. USMC 3rd Band Section Div Hqs 3rd Marine Div, FMF %Fleet P.O. San Francisco, Calif Aug 18, 1944 Guam Dear Dave, Eugene Dunlap has been sending me a few of the Scuttlebutt's & I get quit a kick out of them. It's nice to hear about some of the guys I use to go to school with & play ball with back home. Doubt if you remember me to well because it's been close to 4 yrs since I was around Washington much. The latest Scuttlebutt I got from Gene was July 14th. I read about Carl Friedrich getting back. Your magazine or paper don't mention a heck of a lot about the Marines but I guess there are around 8 or 10 of us. We are out now!!! Saw Willis Booth, about a mo ago & he was same old Willie. Well I'm on Guam & things are secured. So am getting back to band duties I'm playing a sousaphone & have been in band for about a year. Previous to that I was in a line co. packing a BRC for about 10 mos. Enjoy the band & I hope the Municipal band back home is still going. Might send the Scuttlebutt if you have got extra. Tell any the guys you see hello. Sincerely yours Milo Steele
World War II Diaries and Letters