David R. Elder correspondence, August-September 1944
1944-09-03 Postcard
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3 Sept 44 Dear Dave: Certainly sorry to miss you on my trip home last month. Wish we could have seen you and Mabe again. Washington and friends certainly looked good to me. Alalabama has nothing I want to take with me. By the way could you give me Binkerts address at Ft Meade? I want to drop him a line. We are getting some good work outs these days and nights Think I can win a Tenderfoot badge some of these days. Best Wishes Johnson
3 Sept 44 Dear Dave: Certainly sorry to miss you on my trip home last month. Wish we could have seen you and Mabe again. Washington and friends certainly looked good to me. Alalabama has nothing I want to take with me. By the way could you give me Binkerts address at Ft Meade? I want to drop him a line. We are getting some good work outs these days and nights Think I can win a Tenderfoot badge some of these days. Best Wishes Johnson
World War II Diaries and Letters