David R. Elder correspondence, August-September 1944
1944-09-07 Page 1
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Notice of Change of Address This is to advise you that my correct address now is: 1st Lt. William H. Perdock 0-1556035 Hq. UKBS Ord. Section #871 Bill Still Somewhere in Eng. Dear Dave, I want you to know I'm getting the "Scuttlebutt," & really enjoy it. I still have my Mobil team & doing the same type work. I though I was going to France, but I'm about to give that up now. My orders changed. The rate the boys are going now I won't have much time to get there. As ever, Bill
Notice of Change of Address This is to advise you that my correct address now is: 1st Lt. William H. Perdock 0-1556035 Hq. UKBS Ord. Section #871 Bill Still Somewhere in Eng. Dear Dave, I want you to know I'm getting the "Scuttlebutt," & really enjoy it. I still have my Mobil team & doing the same type work. I though I was going to France, but I'm about to give that up now. My orders changed. The rate the boys are going now I won't have much time to get there. As ever, Bill
World War II Diaries and Letters