David R. Elder correspondence, August-September 1944
1944-09-09 Page 1
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Saturday afternoon Sept 9, 1944 Dear Dave: Being as you are always warning us fellows about informing you when we change addresses so I thought I'd better get "on the ball." Although I've been here since Wednesday I just got my permanent address today. I'm here in the Parachute School now for some training. I won't be here very long however. I've had a taste of the training already and it is rough; but I volunteered for it so I can't complain at least out loud. My regular training will start Monday. So far I've gotten some new clothes turned in some others, had lots of papers filled out, and had a short physical. Guess I'm in pretty good condition. Got a pair of combat boots instead of the regular jumping boots, most of us did because so many guys come in here that they ran out. However I guess they give us a pair of the others when we finish here. Left Camp Livingston Tuesday afternoon and got here Wednesday afternoon.
Saturday afternoon Sept 9, 1944 Dear Dave: Being as you are always warning us fellows about informing you when we change addresses so I thought I'd better get "on the ball." Although I've been here since Wednesday I just got my permanent address today. I'm here in the Parachute School now for some training. I won't be here very long however. I've had a taste of the training already and it is rough; but I volunteered for it so I can't complain at least out loud. My regular training will start Monday. So far I've gotten some new clothes turned in some others, had lots of papers filled out, and had a short physical. Guess I'm in pretty good condition. Got a pair of combat boots instead of the regular jumping boots, most of us did because so many guys come in here that they ran out. However I guess they give us a pair of the others when we finish here. Left Camp Livingston Tuesday afternoon and got here Wednesday afternoon.
World War II Diaries and Letters