David R. Elder correspondence, August-September 1944
1944-09-09 Page 2
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We had only one lay-over; that at Birmingham Ala. Tuesday morning to eat breakfast. We ate in the "Pirate Room" of the Hotel Bankhead, Really classy. Birmingham seems like a nice town. It's a manufacturing town of quite some time. Had a very pleasant surprise at the start of my trip. We went to some little town outside of the camp to catch the train and while waiting around we went to a little grocery store and who should I see walking out but Don Klein; Rev. Klein's youngest boy. He's here also. We had a swell talk on Washington and where all the fellows were and I happened to have a Scuttlebut in my pocket & he really was crazy about it for he has fallen behind on the Washington news quite a bit. He's liable to write you for it for he really like it. Congratulations on your trip to Canada. I'm sure you must have had a swell trip. Well I must close for now. In case my address is blurred or marked over on the envelope; here it is. Pvt. Robert J. Nicola 37679767 Co "C" 541st. Prcht. Inf. Fort Benning, Ga. Sincerely "Nicke"
We had only one lay-over; that at Birmingham Ala. Tuesday morning to eat breakfast. We ate in the "Pirate Room" of the Hotel Bankhead, Really classy. Birmingham seems like a nice town. It's a manufacturing town of quite some time. Had a very pleasant surprise at the start of my trip. We went to some little town outside of the camp to catch the train and while waiting around we went to a little grocery store and who should I see walking out but Don Klein; Rev. Klein's youngest boy. He's here also. We had a swell talk on Washington and where all the fellows were and I happened to have a Scuttlebut in my pocket & he really was crazy about it for he has fallen behind on the Washington news quite a bit. He's liable to write you for it for he really like it. Congratulations on your trip to Canada. I'm sure you must have had a swell trip. Well I must close for now. In case my address is blurred or marked over on the envelope; here it is. Pvt. Robert J. Nicola 37679767 Co "C" 541st. Prcht. Inf. Fort Benning, Ga. Sincerely "Nicke"
World War II Diaries and Letters