David R. Elder correspondence, August-September 1944
1944-09-15 Page 1
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Sept 15, 1944 Mariana Islands Dear Dave, I received your 23rd & 24th Drip today & sure was glad to get them. It's good to be able to read about some of the home town boys. Any of the fellows you see who played ball at home & know me give them my regards. We are going in full swing in band once again. Sure seems nice. We have a good outfit & it's a real pleasure to play. We have a dance band made out of our concert band. Sorta gives the boys a lift. It makes me think of those nites at Wellman & up at the dance hall at home. Will be a grand day to be able to knock myself out dancing & having some good times again. I imagine there are a lot of fellows from home that feel the same way. Thanks for the Scuttlebutt It's fine.Tell Louise Fields Hello. Sincerely yours Milo Steele
Sept 15, 1944 Mariana Islands Dear Dave, I received your 23rd & 24th Drip today & sure was glad to get them. It's good to be able to read about some of the home town boys. Any of the fellows you see who played ball at home & know me give them my regards. We are going in full swing in band once again. Sure seems nice. We have a good outfit & it's a real pleasure to play. We have a dance band made out of our concert band. Sorta gives the boys a lift. It makes me think of those nites at Wellman & up at the dance hall at home. Will be a grand day to be able to knock myself out dancing & having some good times again. I imagine there are a lot of fellows from home that feel the same way. Thanks for the Scuttlebutt It's fine.Tell Louise Fields Hello. Sincerely yours Milo Steele
World War II Diaries and Letters