David R. Elder correspondence, August-September 1944
1944-09-25 Page 1
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CENTER HEADQUARTERS COMPANY I.R.T.C. CAMP BLANDING, FLORIDA September 25, 1944 Dear Dave:- Today I recieved the third copy of the scuttlebutt. Thanks a lot. I sure appreciate getting it. I should have written you sometime ago & thanked you for sending it to me. I think it is a wonderful idea & a swell way of letting the boys in the service from the garden spot of the world in Gods Country (the old home town) know what is going on back there & where some of their buddies are at. I used to correspond with Gene Thomas reguarly while he was in the States, but have not heard from him for a long time & I saw in an issue of the Scuttlebutt that he was in England. I see by this issue that Cpl. Francis Haney is now Sgt. Francis Haney. Glad to read of his promotion. He has seen a lot of action & those are the boys who deserve all they get. This has been one hot place this summer as it was last year. It is hard to relaize at times that I have been here
CENTER HEADQUARTERS COMPANY I.R.T.C. CAMP BLANDING, FLORIDA September 25, 1944 Dear Dave:- Today I recieved the third copy of the scuttlebutt. Thanks a lot. I sure appreciate getting it. I should have written you sometime ago & thanked you for sending it to me. I think it is a wonderful idea & a swell way of letting the boys in the service from the garden spot of the world in Gods Country (the old home town) know what is going on back there & where some of their buddies are at. I used to correspond with Gene Thomas reguarly while he was in the States, but have not heard from him for a long time & I saw in an issue of the Scuttlebutt that he was in England. I see by this issue that Cpl. Francis Haney is now Sgt. Francis Haney. Glad to read of his promotion. He has seen a lot of action & those are the boys who deserve all they get. This has been one hot place this summer as it was last year. It is hard to relaize at times that I have been here
World War II Diaries and Letters