Marks Family letters, 1861-1865
1864-05-01 Page 3
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see the day when every rebel shall flee unto the mountain of [the Ole Satan?] where Beauregard weapeth and Price date not sleepeth and where the southern Con thievery will be forever d---d without one vistage of hope or one spot of glistening day, where the devil shall have his full power and that he shall take full possession of them all in that pit which burns with fire and Brimstone forever and ever.
see the day when every rebel shall flee unto the mountain of [the Ole Satan?] where Beauregard weapeth and Price date not sleepeth and where the southern Con thievery will be forever d---d without one vistage of hope or one spot of glistening day, where the devil shall have his full power and that he shall take full possession of them all in that pit which burns with fire and Brimstone forever and ever.
Civil War Diaries and Letters