John William Graham letters, February-April 1944
1944-02-17 Page 3 - Change of Address card
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Jan 31, 1944 NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS This is to advise you that my correct address now is: M/Sgt John W Graham 37114304 (Army Serial No.) 776 Bomb Sqdn 464 Bomb Group (H) APO No. 9564 c/o Postmaster, NEW YORK, N.Y. Signature John W Graham A sufficient number of these cards will be distributed to each soldier when his mail address is changed to permit him to send one to each of his regular correspondents. W.D.,A.G.O. Form No. 204
Jan 31, 1944 NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS This is to advise you that my correct address now is: M/Sgt John W Graham 37114304 (Army Serial No.) 776 Bomb Sqdn 464 Bomb Group (H) APO No. 9564 c/o Postmaster, NEW YORK, N.Y. Signature John W Graham A sufficient number of these cards will be distributed to each soldier when his mail address is changed to permit him to send one to each of his regular correspondents. W.D.,A.G.O. Form No. 204
World War II Diaries and Letters