David R. Elder correspondence, February-March 1945
1945-02-06 Lt. John W. Lee to Dave Elder
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Dear friends, your most unusual Christmas card reached us here in China recently. As your picture showed you lying there in bed, I could just imagine you were dreaming up a new egg trick to pull on Milo [Sard...?]. Things in China are getting more interesting daily, but we're forbidden to pay a thing concerning China. Better give [LeRoy?], Louise' husband, the headlines in a drip. He's now a first lieutenant after nearly two years in the [gold?] bracket. I had a fine visit with him sometime ago and introduced him to the black-market money changing king of a large Chinese city. [Before?] he left, [LeRoy?] was carrying a large bundle of Chinese bills under his [illegible]. The bundle was as large as a shoe box and all $100.00 bills as above. Please notice my new change of address. Your "drips" drop in an [illegible] [illegible] regularly, but 20 months in China has passed like 20 years. Sincerely, John
Dear friends, your most unusual Christmas card reached us here in China recently. As your picture showed you lying there in bed, I could just imagine you were dreaming up a new egg trick to pull on Milo [Sard...?]. Things in China are getting more interesting daily, but we're forbidden to pay a thing concerning China. Better give [LeRoy?], Louise' husband, the headlines in a drip. He's now a first lieutenant after nearly two years in the [gold?] bracket. I had a fine visit with him sometime ago and introduced him to the black-market money changing king of a large Chinese city. [Before?] he left, [LeRoy?] was carrying a large bundle of Chinese bills under his [illegible]. The bundle was as large as a shoe box and all $100.00 bills as above. Please notice my new change of address. Your "drips" drop in an [illegible] [illegible] regularly, but 20 months in China has passed like 20 years. Sincerely, John
World War II Diaries and Letters