Helen Fox Angell letters to Bess Peebles Fox, October-December 1943
1943-10-23 Page 2
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delightful. Marie Devlin has gone home to Greensville, So. Carolina for the weekend, but I'll see her again a few times before she leaves for San Francisco next Wednesday. She is thrilled to death, as she hasn't ever been west at all. We've been having some seranades lately at night in front of our place. I think they are Navy fellows & aviation cadets mostly. It sounds very nice along about midnight & they really can sing. Washington is beginning to seem as familiar as Milwaukee now. I went shopping this afternoon & got a very good looking "date" dress - black crepe, very plain, with a flattering rose satin front with black sequins in dots on it. Also got a cute black hat with a point in front, off the face, with black sequins & a veil. We had a most delightful experience last night. Every two weeks the finishing Basic Recreation class puts on a party for real service men. They plan it very carefully as it is a
delightful. Marie Devlin has gone home to Greensville, So. Carolina for the weekend, but I'll see her again a few times before she leaves for San Francisco next Wednesday. She is thrilled to death, as she hasn't ever been west at all. We've been having some seranades lately at night in front of our place. I think they are Navy fellows & aviation cadets mostly. It sounds very nice along about midnight & they really can sing. Washington is beginning to seem as familiar as Milwaukee now. I went shopping this afternoon & got a very good looking "date" dress - black crepe, very plain, with a flattering rose satin front with black sequins in dots on it. Also got a cute black hat with a point in front, off the face, with black sequins & a veil. We had a most delightful experience last night. Every two weeks the finishing Basic Recreation class puts on a party for real service men. They plan it very carefully as it is a
World War II Diaries and Letters