Helen Fox Angell letters to Bess Peebles Fox, October-December 1943
1943-10-23 Page 3
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coty sachet. He kept muttering "M'am I sure do like that perfume." We hadn't been together long before he had shown me his carved pine pistol and told me about his divorced wife. We walked around to the fortune tellers & through the Haunted House & then changed partners by drawing slips of paper out of a hat. I got "Tillie the Toiler" & "Mack" turned out to be a swell fellow from Kentucky, one of those with steady eyes and a nice drawl and lots of humor. His name was Paul, & he & his father were contractors in Louisville. He is now a carpenter & wants to go to the South Pacific. I was with him for all the games & refreshments. He liked coffee, so to be a good hostess I found myself forced to drink 3 cups. Whew! He also had an affectionate disposition which was good fun. After refreshments we mixed up again by scrambling shoes & I got a tall fellow from Texas, who visited with me about Texas League baseball & the kind of
coty sachet. He kept muttering "M'am I sure do like that perfume." We hadn't been together long before he had shown me his carved pine pistol and told me about his divorced wife. We walked around to the fortune tellers & through the Haunted House & then changed partners by drawing slips of paper out of a hat. I got "Tillie the Toiler" & "Mack" turned out to be a swell fellow from Kentucky, one of those with steady eyes and a nice drawl and lots of humor. His name was Paul, & he & his father were contractors in Louisville. He is now a carpenter & wants to go to the South Pacific. I was with him for all the games & refreshments. He liked coffee, so to be a good hostess I found myself forced to drink 3 cups. Whew! He also had an affectionate disposition which was good fun. After refreshments we mixed up again by scrambling shoes & I got a tall fellow from Texas, who visited with me about Texas League baseball & the kind of
World War II Diaries and Letters