Helen Fox Angell letters to Bess Peebles Fox, October-December 1943
1943-11-02 Page 1
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Tuesday night [Nov. 2, 1943] Dear Mother, It is now ten o'clock and I am having the first breathing spell of the day. Committee meetings and painting on decorations for the party have combined with regular classes. Everything seems to be coming along well, though, so it isn't too hard. Next week will be a delightful rest. Did I tell you I had all my uniform except the hospital dresses? I'll be able to get those easily next week, as we are through at 3. A couple of days ago I got a nice note from Julia Winston McGarvey, [note in margin: Upper Iowa friend of Bess Peebles Fox. George McGarvey was in Interior Dept - Indian affairs] who had noticed in the Argo that I was here. I called her last night and she wants me to come out for a Sunday dinner before I go. She is in the midst of housecleaning, so wants me the Sunday after I'm through--guess it's the 14th. The chances are I won't leave here till Tuesday morning, so it would be OK. I am to call her if I find I'm leaving earlier & she'll speed it up. There is another girl, Kate Hoyt's daughter she wants to have too. She is quite deaf, & I had lots of trouble at first making her
Tuesday night [Nov. 2, 1943] Dear Mother, It is now ten o'clock and I am having the first breathing spell of the day. Committee meetings and painting on decorations for the party have combined with regular classes. Everything seems to be coming along well, though, so it isn't too hard. Next week will be a delightful rest. Did I tell you I had all my uniform except the hospital dresses? I'll be able to get those easily next week, as we are through at 3. A couple of days ago I got a nice note from Julia Winston McGarvey, [note in margin: Upper Iowa friend of Bess Peebles Fox. George McGarvey was in Interior Dept - Indian affairs] who had noticed in the Argo that I was here. I called her last night and she wants me to come out for a Sunday dinner before I go. She is in the midst of housecleaning, so wants me the Sunday after I'm through--guess it's the 14th. The chances are I won't leave here till Tuesday morning, so it would be OK. I am to call her if I find I'm leaving earlier & she'll speed it up. There is another girl, Kate Hoyt's daughter she wants to have too. She is quite deaf, & I had lots of trouble at first making her
World War II Diaries and Letters