Helen Fox Angell letters to Bess Peebles Fox, October-December 1943
1943-11-28 Page 3
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2 I imagine it won't be the last dance I'll have a chance to go to, however. Thanksgiving out at the hospital was lots of fun. The dinner at the mess hall was grand, I'll send you the menu when I get stamps enough. Then we had a tea dance in the Rec. hall and a movie at night. I spent some of the afternoon and all the evening in the wards, taking a musical group around. Those men are the most unpredictable things. The G.U. ward, full of men from Panama with syphilis, etc., was completely cold on hymns that evening. There was a quartette from a church nearby and almost every man had a request. Of course, it is a closed ward and they are apt to be starved for entertainment. Thanksgiving afternoon I took around a couple of young boys who played piano & drums. In the T.B. ward it was quite a sight to see them sitting up in bed, their eyes sparkling & keeping time with their feet to the boogie-woogy. One fellow in particular is so darned cute - pink cheeked & wide-eyed. He has model airplanes hanging on the wires around his bed, and he always has a thermometer in his mouth, as he likes to take his
2 I imagine it won't be the last dance I'll have a chance to go to, however. Thanksgiving out at the hospital was lots of fun. The dinner at the mess hall was grand, I'll send you the menu when I get stamps enough. Then we had a tea dance in the Rec. hall and a movie at night. I spent some of the afternoon and all the evening in the wards, taking a musical group around. Those men are the most unpredictable things. The G.U. ward, full of men from Panama with syphilis, etc., was completely cold on hymns that evening. There was a quartette from a church nearby and almost every man had a request. Of course, it is a closed ward and they are apt to be starved for entertainment. Thanksgiving afternoon I took around a couple of young boys who played piano & drums. In the T.B. ward it was quite a sight to see them sitting up in bed, their eyes sparkling & keeping time with their feet to the boogie-woogy. One fellow in particular is so darned cute - pink cheeked & wide-eyed. He has model airplanes hanging on the wires around his bed, and he always has a thermometer in his mouth, as he likes to take his
World War II Diaries and Letters