Helen Fox Angell letters to Bess Peebles Fox, October-December 1943
1943-12-09 Page 6
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National Headquarters. Yesterday I had a pleasant surprise. One of the girls I'd liked in Basic Rec. class--Katherine Hosch, a Tri-Delt from Vanderbilt--moved into the other connecting room. We had lunch together today at the A.A.U.W club across the street, as she is a member. I'm wondering who will come in to Helen Crum's bed in my room. Mary Bess is down the hall; I haven't seen her today, but her roomate came to use our bathroom. It seems they are tiling theirs and it is a little embarrassing. The "all clear" has now sounded, so I guess this brave little frontier city has been spared. Katharine has come in, so I'll visit a little with her. Love, Helen
National Headquarters. Yesterday I had a pleasant surprise. One of the girls I'd liked in Basic Rec. class--Katherine Hosch, a Tri-Delt from Vanderbilt--moved into the other connecting room. We had lunch together today at the A.A.U.W club across the street, as she is a member. I'm wondering who will come in to Helen Crum's bed in my room. Mary Bess is down the hall; I haven't seen her today, but her roomate came to use our bathroom. It seems they are tiling theirs and it is a little embarrassing. The "all clear" has now sounded, so I guess this brave little frontier city has been spared. Katharine has come in, so I'll visit a little with her. Love, Helen
World War II Diaries and Letters